Students in grades 6-8 are allowed to try-out and participate in sports at Socrates Academy. Students must maintain a “C” or above in order to try-out for any sport. Grades will be checked to ensure eligibility at progress reports as well as report cards. Students that fail to achieve these standards will have to raise their grade to a “C” or above in order to continue to participate in sports. Students that have a “D” or below on a report card will not be able to try-out for the next sports season. Student athletes that receive a detention will not be able to participate in the next game. If a student athlete receives more than 1 detention; that player will need to sit down with the coach and administration to further discuss their eligibility.
Student athletes must be in attendance to all try-outs, practices, and games. Certain exceptions apply including death in the family, illness, etc. If a student cannot attend one of the try-outs, practices, or games then they must inform the coach for their specific sport.
Pay for Play
A fee of $160.00 is required to participate in athletics at Socrates Academy. Once a player makes a team; the fee is to be paid before the first game. This fee covers equipment, official fees, facility rentals, end of the year athletic banquet and coaching stipends. All uniforms will be turned back in after the season has been completed. If a uniform is not turned in at the end of a season, that family is responsible to purchase a new uniform matching the existing teams. Pay for Play will not be refunded to a student who has been removed from a team because of misbehavior, etc.
Student athletes must have current physicals.
Carpool Forms
Student athletes must have carpool forms filled out in order to ride with other families to games or practices.