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Create a Carpool Sign HERE

Please be mindful that during the first two weeks of school Carpool will take longer as we have students and families trying to navigate their way through a new routine. Wait times will not be as long once children are accustomed to their carpool routines.

What can you do to help?
  • Find someone to Carpool with

  • Practice buckling/unbuckling car seats with young children. 

  • When dropping off in the morning, have children ready to get out of the car with all belongings ready to go. Watch this quick video starring Coach Pearl >>

  • Have carpool signs clearly displayed

  • Do not store backpacks or belongings in trunk


Each family (not each student) will have an assigned Carpool number. 

Tags may be picked up at Open House or will be sent home with your student.


Carpool signs should be placed in the dashboard window and kept in the window until you leave the parking lot. If you create your own carpool sign, please use a FULL sheet of paper and write the number so it can be seen from a distance.

Find someone to Carpool with!

Join out Carpool page on FB to find others near you who would like to carpool. 

Join Group Now >>



If you live within a 1 mile radius of our campus, you may request to walk to school. You must fill out the Walker Request Form. Once your address has been verified and your request form has been approved, you will be contacted. Approved walkers in grades 6-9 will be allowed to walk alone with parent permission. Approved walkers in grades K-5 will meet their responsible party at the designated walker pickup location behind the Intermediate Building. The pickup spot will be marked. All walkers must be picked up by 3:40 p.m.

MS and HS School Drop Off.jpg
Alternate Parking

We are NOT permitted to utilize the church next door for parking or waiting for carpool. Parents who park at the church do so at their own risk and may be ticketed or towed.

Cell Phones

Cell phone use is prohibited to ensure that everyone is focused on keeping our scholars safe. Thank you for helping us maintain safety for everyone!

Morning Carpool General Guidelines​
  • There are NO left turns out of the school parking lots onto Weddington Road between the hours of 7:50 am-8:15 am.

  • ALL scholars must come through the carpool line.

  • All Scholars may be dropped off in either parking lot.

  • Proceed to the front of the line when dropping off your scholars. Do not stop before you should to let your scholar out in front of their building.

  • There is NO passing in carpool line. 

Tardy Scholars
  • All K-8th Parents MUST come into the Middle School building to sign in. There will be no sign ins or outs in other buildings. Tardy Students will need to be signed in by a parent and then walked to their classroom building (by their parent) and be buzzed into the building.

Dismissal Procedures

Cars may not line up in either parking lot before 3:00 pm.

Late Pick Up

If you arrive after carpool has ended, your student will be sent to Afterschool. There is a $1.00 per minute charge up to a maximum of $20.00 for this service.

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