Saturday, March 9th | 1 pm in the Socrates Gym
Want to play? Here's what you need to do:
Want to play? Here's what you need to do:
Form a 5 person team (co-ed optional) for your category: Staff, Parents* or Students
Come up with a creative team name and team color (to be worn for tournament games)
Email the names of your players, team name and team shirt color (1st & 2nd choices) to AD Myles Pearl at mpearl@socratesacademy.us or Ryan VanAlphen at vanalphen711@ctc.net **DEADLINE for tournament entry is Friday, March 1th.**
Have your team members ready to play (event starts at 1pm, schedule of game times to follow)!
NOTE - If you want to play but don't have a team e-mail Coach Pearl or Ryan and they will get you added to an existing team roster to play in your "division." Spectators Welcome!
* The “Parents” teams can consist of adults with “1 degree of separation” from a Socrates student, parent or Socrates staff member. For example, a student’s Aunt/Uncle or the Brother/Sister of a faculty member would be eligible.

Volunteer at
March Madness
We are looking for volunteers to help at this event! If you're interested and have not already spoken with Coach Pearl or Ryan about this year’s event please e-mail Coach Pearl at mpearl@socratesacademy.us or Ryan VanAlphen at vanalphen711@ctc.net